It’s A Trap

by fortytwo6x7

Why do mouse traps still work ? Its an honest question. Think about it the traps in there currant wooden block and metal spring format have been around for centuries and yet the mice still manage to get caught. Further you can catch a mouse, typically the dead mouse will stay there overnight until removed. You can then reset the self same trap in the exact same place, and another mouse will come and get killed despite having seen the fait of the previous mouse. Then there are the humane traps, I seen a video where someone caught 26 mice in one night with a spinning bar over a bucket baited with peanut butter. The mice seen the other mice get trapped, heard there calls of distress and went right ahead out onto the spinning bar and got deposited into the bucket.

It would seem the mice failed to understand why the food is free, and it is indeed a trap.

The hazard perception part of the mice brain has obviously failed to develop. On the polar opposite side of this evolution is the Northern Ireland Unionist community, particularly those from working class areas. Before we leave our areas we will make an assessment as to how safe it is to attend any given event. We check our clothing to ensure we do not look overtly British if doing so in the location we are going to would single us out as an outsider and therefor a target. This is the result of growing up in a divided community, one where the architecture, the planted urban foliage and road lay out is designed to keep the British and Irish communities apart. Where it is not posable to create this divide in a subtle way, walls of brick, topped with wire mesh to increase thee height create a graffiti canvas and a stark reminder the city is divided. The Unionists face a unique challenge in that Irish Nationalists will riot for three days straight in their own areas and blame to “civil disturbances” on Unionists who passed by their area for a total of three minutes with a parade that simply can not reach its destination by traveling along what is essentially a natural and shared road.

The reality is that 25 years after the “peace deal” Belfast is not a shared city, it is a divided city with equality of exclusion.

This devision permeates all aspects of life, including sport. This is not a new or novel concept and the people who run the relevant sporting bodies are well aware of this fact. When Northern Ireland Minister for Sport Carál Ní Chuilín attended a Northern Ireland match in against the Faroe Islands in 2011 she was careful to enter after the National Anthem as hearing the anthem would offend her as an Irish Nationalist. She understands the concept that the British/Unionist people in Northern Ireland support the national team and the Irish people support Ireland. Further she, and everyone else know full well there is a divide between Unionists and the GAA who quite frankly want nothing British about them.

Which makes me wonder why the powers at be believe it is appropriate for the Northern Ireland National Team to potentially play their home matches in Euro 2028 matches in Casement Park, a GAA ground in West Belfast.

This is situated the wrong side of the peace walls for the Green and White Army. This is a place they have never been welcome in ones and twos never mind by the thousand. The local population see themselves as Irish and deplore the Britishness of the team and the support. If the Northern Ireland fans had applied for a permit to march to Casement Park to place a wreath at the sight of the execution of Corporals Derek Wood and David Howes it would rightly be rejected over safety and policing concerns. However prior to this idiotic plan this is the only reason the Northern Ireland fans would venture into this territory. It is these facts that sent my hazard perception systems into overdrive. There must be a reason we are suddenly welcome when we would otherwise be classed as invaders and physically repealed and civil disorder would follow for days.

We recognise a trap when we see one, and understand the free stuff is actually very expensive.

My conclusion is sinn Fein wish to use the Northern Ireland fans to extract money for a stadium which is forever linked to the execution of British Soldiers, and to also use those fans to show the world British people are welcome when the reality is they are only welcome when they are useful pawns. The German Government successfully pulled of such a stunt for Hitlers Olympics in 1936, and the “No Casement” banners and the “you can stick your Casement Park right up your hole” chants at the two recent Northern Ireland matches are the result not of hatred for the people of West Belfast, but of the need to protest the intentions of those in power before the fans become part of a publicity stunt